Sunday, June 28, 2015

short story written by me.

Another !!

Everyone has seen Cinderella movie or read the story in which the girl get her wish to be princess for 1 hour but loses her one shoe but in the end, the prince finds the girl with other shoe that matches her feet and marries her  and they live happy life ever after.
 This story is quite different than Cinderella story. But little, is same,   here is not any fairytale or godmother comes to grant your wish but god comes to help u, it takes time to know it, but he comes in any form and guides u.
As happen………

It was Saturday, I was on my way to Jaslok hospital………… We passed by Mahalaxmi temple…. I prayed to goodness laxmi ‘to have my operation nicely and I will come to your temple with bare feet and offer u sweets’. My father got me admitted as doctor had advised me get admitted to hospital 10 days before operation, I had got my favorite ward , it was favorite because I was popular there and my bed same but few new patients had come . U must be thinking about Cinderella story, where is it???? Well, I have not forgotten.
In the evening, I was sitting on my bed ………. When I heard a pretty voice and that’s where it all begins.
“Can I have mobile charger, please?” she asked.
She was pretty, with glowing face and had cute smile, she had worn pink dress with ribbon on her hair, and she came to me and asked again. I gave her my mobile charger and she left. Again she came and returned my charger and said “thanks”.  She sat next to my bed and asked well, why do you look sad?  What is your name? She asked. I remained silenced for sometime but little while later I said my name is” Pradeep” to her. “Well it is nice name “she said. I got more interested in this girl and asked’ what is your name now? And with whom u have come?’
She said “well, my name is Rajeshree and I am  friend, of one nurse who works here.”
I told her about me , my feeling and my thoughts, she listen quietly and advised me that “you are not only person with difficulty in the world and don’t be sad , everything will be alright” , when I told her I can’t hear she said,’ it’s no problem , I will write and give you. For first time I felt nice and she had not run away like other girls.“I like talking with you” I said, will…..u…..  Come tomorrow also? She smiled and said “yes”.
For three days we talked, smiled, laughed, cracked joke, shared feelings , thoughts and it was nice feeling , it was nice to see her laughing like that, my heart was light as somebody talked with me . I never felt like this before. We soon become friends.
She was most amazing girl I had ever met in my life soon I began to speak openly with her. She promised me that she will come, before I go for operation.
Finally, I had two days before my operation, I don’t know what will happen next? So thought of doing something special for her, I asked her would…you… to have dinner with me?
She smiled for while and later said “yes, I would love to “for first time any girl had said yes to me, I told her to come at the same time over here.
Well, I didn’t go out of hospital , I didn’t had permission to go out , but made my ward as restaurant, well, not restaurant but some of it , I asked nurse politely for permission to order some food from down canteen and she granted with smile. I decorated the ward with flowers also.
It was almost evening, I waited for her to arrive, time passed…………… and she came little late. She said “sorry, for being late traffic was huge so got late,” I said nothing to her but welcomed her.

She liked, in fact she loved what I had done, and she hugged me, and kissed me on my cheeks. I never felt much happy or excited like this before. We both had dinner on bench near window and smiled a lot, suddenly everything about her seemed nice to me, we talked much had ice-cream for dessert in the end. I kept looking at her……. I wanted to say “I like u” but I thought I will tell her after my operation but she ran away as soon it was 12’ clock, I didn’t ran behind her as I can’t walk. ‘May be she might not have liked the food or talking with me,’ I thought about the next day.
Okay, I was ready for my operation hoped to see her again but she can come only in evening and how she will come? And how she can come so early, I thought like that but she promised she will come on my operation………… well, why she will come? You are not much important for her. I was thinking like that………….. and …………. What I saw …… she was standing at door, she smiled at me as she saw me. She apologized to me about that night incident but she felt nice about what I did.
She said to me before going to Operation Theater that she is going to her village for her summer vacation and will meet me after one month.  
The operation went nice, it took me one month to recover from it , I was watching at door for her arrival but she didn’t come to see me.
After many days passed.
One day I asked the counter nurse about her.
 “Rajeshree” the girl that used to come in evening.
 She said nothing at first but I saw tears roll down from her eyes. I got tensed, the nurse said to me, that she died one month ago due to cancer.
‘No madam, you must be mistaken! ‘I said (heart betting fastly), I am asking about Rajashree the girl with whom I used to speak.  She used to come in evening to meet me.
I am not mistaken! (Nurse growled) she was suffering from cancer and was admitted on same ward but different bed. U can go to her room if u want, I went to her room (heart beating rapidly faster), I opened the door, her photo was there on the wall and trial of roseses on it.

 Suddenly, everything seemed as hopeless, I sat on my bed with sad face and tears in my eyes.
‘Why? Why!’ I said to god why? You took her away from me. Why?
 I was sitting on my bed when one nurse came and handed me letter,’ u must be Pradeep ‘ she said, it was from Rajashree, I opened it quickly,
 I am sorry,  I couldn’t tell u I was diagnosed with cancer few week before summer time. Eventually when I went back to doctor he said I have only 3 weeks.  I wanted to do things that can make me smile, laugh. sorry, I didn’t tell u that , I didn’t meant to break your heart, I said I was  going to village for vacation,  so that it couldn’t be hard on u but I am sorry, I lied, it  is good to be someone first love but even special to be there last. You were both for me, I had best date that I can’t forget with u, I know you were trying to say u love me and I ran away that day , I am sorry for that also. I also love u.  Don’t feel sad or bad about It , I am always with u in breeze, just close your eyes and think about me I am always beside u . I hope u forgive me and continue with your life. And always be happyJ.
Tears came out of my eyes after reading this. I was late to tell her the truth. then wind blow through my head and I felt her.
She was not just any other girl for me but my Cinderella …….. Who came in my life and showed path to be always happy.
Moral: Treasure what you have.
Time is too slow for those who wait;
Too swift for those who fear;
Too long for those who grief;
Too short for those who rejoice;
But for those who love...
Time is Eternity.
For all of you out there with someone special in your heart, cherish that person. Cherish every moment that you spend together with that special someone, for in life even it is for short time, anything can happen anytime. You may painfully regret only to realise that it is too late.

By Pradeep Bhitale.