Monday, July 20, 2015

My first rain!!!

Getting wet in the rain!!!!!

Thud, Thud, Thud...... I was sleeping, when the door suddenly opened with bang sound, I heard it and looked outside of my window to see what the matter was, it was pouring………. Rain, rain!!!!! Yah!!! I was cheering loudly. 

The smell of the wet sand was different to describe, as soon as it began to rain, I saw children coming in the basketball court with umbrellas in their hands ,  some were playing pakda pakadi while other were playing football in the ground, it is favorite game in the rain and other were just dancing in the rain like peacocks dance in the rain, they were to see,
 I asked one of my friend to take pictures with his phone, since I cannot walk but he took very nice pictures,  

Aren’t they beautiful, someday I will also take pictures.
 since father was at home,I got my wish to go out in the rain with him, it was my first time after many months........ and it was amazing to discribe it was not diffucult but it was nice.i was dancing in the rain with stick in my hand, the rain touching my cheeks, it was so fresh........... oh .............. wow..... it was so nice.

Everybody knows the magic of getting wet in the rain. Eating hot pokdas, samosas with hot tea, feeling the rain and thunder of the cloud as if they are singing to you, listening to birds and small insects, frogs as if nature is  singing, well everybody knows how wonderful it is, but getting wet in the rain is another magic.
Looking at the children how they are playing, i also feel that some day i will also play like them, roam around and take pictures.


it stopped raining
'Hey, it is not fair'. i said...... , i started to sing one song it is my childhood song,

 hahahahaha........... everybody remember this song ,it works all the time and it once again it started raining........... yah!!!! but every rain is special for me though it was my first time  but still was awesome!!!! my first rain...

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Nothing is impossible !

Nothing is impossible!!
Who says that nothing is possible in this world?
Today, I was reading the morning newspaper, I was shocked to see I mean read that underprivileged children have done impossible and also had achieved it in beating the odds column.
 News: Poonam Pol blind girl scored 85% in ssc exam,
Jyoti Girigiri deaf and mute girl lives in Dharavi scored 76% in ssc exam,
Rajkumar Hunasnale blind student scored 79% in ssc exam.
 After reading this news, it is true that nothing is impossible in this world even if they are handicapped, I was thinking  to say loudly after reading this” Don’t underestimate the power of common man”. If they can do that, then why do people say they can’t do anything? Why they reject them? Only because they are handicapped ………. They can’t hear, can’t talk, can’t see, can’t walk does't means they can’t do anything, is that so?
Some people think that if they are handicapped, mean they can’t do anything and are forced to do what they don’t like or to do which will help them to get better job and end taking something else.
 I just want to say that they may be handicapped, they may be not like u but that doesn’t mean they can’t to do anything. People stop them, telling them they might get hurt, don’t do this, or that, don’t go here or there or some problem may occur. I know it is for their protection , to keep them safe.
Well, for information, they also have life like others!
 They also have some dreams, some ambition, they also wish to fulfill them, they may not be like others but all u have to do is help them, not scold them, tease them, or tell them u don’t know anything and make fun of them ……………….

 But understand them, encourage them to do things which they can’t do but they want to do, help them to do it. They only need your help and support.
That’s it they want! And nothing else. Hope people understand this and take some proper measure which will help them and support them.

By Pradeep Bhitale

Saturday, July 11, 2015

My life and My way......

My life and My way!!!!
Sometimes it's good to remind ourselves- that we don't have to do what everyone else is doing! If so, than we would be same like them.(true said)

This are some positive thoughts which i always keep in my mind.
not even your worries, weakness or disability so don't be sad , they are just like wind and will pass away soon. 
God closes one door of happiness and opens other but we often see the closed door for so long that we don't see the door which god has open for us.
Have faith!!!! and trust in God that everything will be alright. When u enter the storm it find's to be difficult to face it but when the storm is passed you won't be the same person who walked in the storm that's what it is all about.

Sometime u just have to trust the journey and believe in yourself that everything will be alright within time just relax and enjoy the journey called life, no one is perfect in this world just do your best that’s only matters.
 Always be happy

just be you!!!!That’s it!!!!